
High-Tech Homeland Security: How SensorTec is Keeping Borders Safe?

SensorTec is shaping the future of the crowd management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s holy places some of the most densely populated places on earth, especially during the Hajj season. As part of a mega scale development project, SensorTec panoramic technology will revolutionize crowd safety, enhance the efficiency of crowd management and surveillance, and provide unparalleled situational awareness.

The Challenge: The primary challenge was the need to monitor vast areas with hundreds of surveillance cameras without disrupting operations in these critical locations. Given the significance of these sites, closing any part of them for construction was not an option Additionally, the end user aimed to minimize the complexity of civil works, including installing numerous poles and the associated communication and power networks, while addressing maintenance and cost concerns.

SensorTec Solution: SensorTec panoramic cameras provided an ideal solution. With their wide-angle field of view (up to 180°) and ultra-high resolution (up to 320 MP), fewer cameras were needed to cover larger areas. This dramatically reduced the requirement for extensive civil works and associated infrastructure, resulting in significantly lower operational and maintenance costs.