SensorTec’s Radar Speed Cameras are of a modular design which is a
great advantage. It comes out in a variety of versions – mobile, stationary,
tripod and gantry. All of the versions are based on the same philosophy
and technical solution. The speeding offences and violations are
documented and can be seen on display immediately after measurement.
SensorTec’s Radar Speed Cameras are provided with ANPR module
allowing to recognise license plates and verify data contained on them,
comparing them with appropriate database (if available) which can
be implemented in each radar speed measuring device. If this is not
requested, then only one ANPR can be supplied for back office processing.
The radars can perform measurement in both directions, can take photos
both from the front and rear, however, if this is not desired, one method
of mesurement can be disabled by the Manufacturer. There is a GPS
system installed in the radar to enable clear identification of the place of